Welcome...To Powerful Mentoring At Kingdom Level
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We believe that there should be more to Mentorship than going to classes. To that end, the Zeal For Christ Ministries Mentorship Programme strives to provide students with all sorts of leadership and personal growth programs. From Mission Trips to actually experiencing praying for the sick and casting out devils, there are plenty of opportunities for each Mentee to be involved and fully discover their gift/s given by the Holy Spirit. Contact us to learn more about what we have to offer.

Programs at Zeal For Christ Mentorship Programme

Level One
...Behold The New has Come.
Our level one programme primarily focuses on the new creation. who we are in Christ Jesus and what it means to be a New Creature. We will also be looking at the How it all began, so man before the fall the world before Adam and Eve. The principles of faith and prayer. engaging in the dynamics Word power and much more to learn more about the courses please request a prospectus by writing to info@zealforchristministries.org.uk
Our mentees get to learn in a vibrant, supportive and dynamic environment. They have full access to all the mentors for further guidance and one to one time.

Level 2
By this time we are expecting our Mentees to have grasped the basic fundamentals and we can now begin to focus on aspects of ministry. definitions of ministry and what does it mean to be called by God. we will look at the different ways in which God speaks to us when He calls us for a specific ministry and how He empowers those He has called. we begin to look at the principles of Praise and worship. The anointing, the importance vision and many more. please order a prospectus for more information.
We provide the environment and resources necessary for the development of our mentees for them to reach their fullest potential.

Level 3
In this all important last tier of the programme we are expecting our mentees to be ready to fly. throughout the mentorship programme the students will be challenged with assignments both written and oral which will be handed in in and marked. individual feedback will be given by the course moderator so that the mentee will be in a position to discuss with the mentor the assignments strong and weak points.
In this final part of the programme we will be looking further into excellence in ministry, the role of the five fold ministry. financing the ministry. principles of success, principles of leadership and so much more.
throughout the duration of the course Mentees are expected to meet deadlines, submit their work to an excellent standard.
Empowering, Equipping, Educating and Launching in a way that makes a lasting Kingdom impact.